Friday, February 24, 2012

Eczema is actually more than a rash, itching.

Our team of researchers Eczema skin care are generally in '40

collective research led by Johns Hopkins University, Maryland. They confirmed that the main reason >> << Etiology of eczema or immune system disorders. Eczema usually results from overly acidic body and skin, which creates

active immune response. Scale of pH (potential hydrogen)

range from 0 to 14 with 7 is neutral. This acid / alkaline scale logarithmic value >>, << that each number is ten times stronger than the previous number. For example >> <<, pH 2 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 3 and a hundred times more >> << acidic than pH 4. So you can now more easily

understand why eczema patients to reduce acidic foods and drinks

as it has a lot of alkaline foods and drinks for compensation. As you

, rethink their past history eczema, you will see that all

triggers eczema comes from the "sour points" regardless of whether they are food, beverages, stress, which is

out of breath because not enough oxygen or is unable to exhaust

enough carbon dioxide. We all know that if we hold our breath for 60 seconds

our faces pink or red. We know, but unlikely to find that actually >> << reason is a combination of accumulation of carbon dioxide, which is an acidic gas,

and lack of oxygen, which is alkaline. Very well, when we exercise

for a long period, we have the accumulation of lactic acid which is acidic body

waste. In addition, those with eczema should be very concerned about the build >> << acids in the blood due to food and beverages that we consume. such as alcohol, coffee, pizza, candy / cookies, various medications

etc, which all have a pH below 7. 0 and are called acidic. Our task, therefore, should be to balance, buffer or neutralize acid >> << with alkali.

new treatments for emphysema
Water is alkaline with a pH of about 7. 3 and more

alkaline products (pH higher than 7. 0), such as fresh fruits and vegetables needed. Acidic foods and drinks problems with pH below 7

. 0 such as coffee at 2. PH 2 and the average beer 2. From 0 to 2. 5 phot, wine

3. PH 0 and whiskey / gin / vodka at 4. 0 pho. If you must drink alcohol, the best drinks for eczema

2 ounces gin, whiskey, vodka or mixed with 6 ounces of water that

an average of about 6. 5 pho or so. In contrast, when alcohol is mixed with

soft drinks with pH from 2 to 2. 5 phot. So, try to minimize

above drinks and delete them entirely if possible with increasing

your alkaline foods. To improve

body and skin condition, eat and drink 90% alkaline foods with 10% meat

avoiding or reducing bread, pasta, sugar, desserts, etc. In the body there are several

ways to balance the pH remains within normal limits 7. 35

7. 45. They called buffer systems. A normal day to day

activity in the body, acids are formed waste that must be neutralized

, podschelachyvayut or buffer and removed. Some acid

released with CO2 from exhaling, while others are excreted through the kidneys. These systems work together in a >> << a healthy human body to maintain pH within normal limits. Sometimes

with great absorption of acidic foods and drinks, the normal system can not compensate for the

and the body becomes more stressed resulting in more stress

hormones, which are also acidic in nature led to a greater immune System

answer. Similarly, simple illnesses like the flu, had surgery, or

emotional and mental stress continue to lower the pH of the body with more

result, the skin reddened and flushing. Almost all medications are acidic except

anti-acid drugs such as Zantac, Milk of magnesium, etc. So, as you can see that "the cause or etiology" may be easily understood and useful >> < <in the sense of treatment. Because there is no cure for eczema, it should be

manage with these simple steps. You can be sure that water and many foods are alkaline by purchasing pH paper

in most pharmacies to measure the pH of water, drinks or food. Urine should be 6. From 6 to 7. 0 pH often as

culmination body process. Bark adrenal secretes cortisol, a natural hormone of the body about 10 mg

cortisol daily, with peak cortisol levels occurs early in the morning

So, your eczema will look better in the early morning after a natural anti-inflammatory drug

. However, since cortisol is a potent hormone secretion long >> << this will health problems such as decay

cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system, musculoskeletal system> > << system as a result of osteoporosis and arthritis - rheumatism. "Eczema is actually more than a rash, itching."

If any body system or body has no chance of recovery, he

lead to both catecholamines and cortisol depletion. The whole concept is

not keep the body in "fight or flight" system stress, stimulation

or use of acidic foods and drinks. RN food, drinks and stress hormones affect

eczema, as well as throughout the body and brain of the lasix 80 mg patient eczema. It is sometimes

affects family and employees and their ability to work skillfully around eczema patient. Because the immune system, it is not uncommon to have more

a skin condition occurs at the time. Eczema patients often seborrheic dermatitis

which makes for very sensitive skin. Seborrheic dermatitis

, includes more active sebaceous glands that cause inflammation, flaking and

red rash in the center of the face. If you look closely, flakes

usually have a greasy look, smell and appearance. Dry seborrheic dermatitis >> << treated by spalling, which consists of dried layers of accumulated oil

. Many people who suffer from eczema to develop skin condition known as

Rosacea is a hereditary, chronic

. (long term) skin disorder that most often affects

on the nose, forehead, cheekbones and chin. Groups of tiny micro

vessels (arterioles, capillaries and venules) close to the skin surface

become dilated, resulting in a red spotty areas with small papules (small, red solid elevated inflammatory

skin lesions, no manure, that is, when a minor >> << size has a slight injury measles, moderate when about the size of a pencil eraser,

, and strong when the papule is the size of a small coin or currency tip

little finger) and pustules (pus-filled inflammatory attacks). Redness may

come and go, but eventually it may become permanent. In addition, the skin tissue

can swell and thicken and may be tender and sensitive to touch. .

Medicines such as actonel, boniva, fosamax ...

Another dispute involves the use of bisphosphonates drugs to treat osteoporosis. Medicines such as Actonel, Боніва, Fosamax and Reclast should reduce the risk of fractures. A new study published in Sweden

New England Journal of Medicine shows that while these drugs can actually increase bone density and reduces the risk of hip fractures and fractures of the spine, they are also associated with increased risk of atypical fractures of the femur. Researchers studied more than 1200 X women over 55 who were femoral fracture. Of these, 59 were atypical. Women who suffer atypical fractures were 47 times more likely buy generic lasix to take bisphosphonates medicine. The researchers stressed that the absolute risk of atypical fractures remains low, even among women taking bisphosphonates, about 5 in 10,000 patient-years. This should be considered when women and their doctors decide how long a drug like Fosamax should be taken. New England Journal of Medicine, May 5, 2011].

My headache was gone!

Note: ex-vegetarian below

switched to high-fat, red meat diet with awesome health improvements.

Vegetarian diet caused degenerative disc disease and

intestinal diseases. Dear Mr. Rieske,

How can I repay you? Your knowledge, understanding, honesty and courage >> << contained in articles greatly improved the quality of my life

! I am now 37 years. At the age of 25 to 36

I took mostly vegetarian lifestyle. Over the years I developed an easy case >> << degenerative disc disease, constant headaches and severe case

candida (and possibly arising intestine). I am beginning to understand that something >> << certainly not. General recommendations for food

finally managed me in the wrong direction. I am pure and natural nutrition for

months on red meat, fish, poultry, small amounts of fruits and berries

(I can not help it, I love berries). My headache was gone! I went from 172 pounds (5'8 tall) to 158 kg! I have no >> << constipation or diarrhea (which at one time was constant)! I think it is clear that my mood

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to get in a progress report! I am doing very well. So far, so good

. I to 2 BM per day, and bleeding disappeared. I eat

very balanced diet (since the diet below) and

seems that I can tolerate a lot of red meat now. Thank you for

all your advice and I hope that all is well with you. Note: The report above says

ulcerative colitis healing that took place just a few weeks

this diet program. I lasix side effects

colitis problems with 2-years. Chronic constipation was >> << problem for 30 years as an adult. I was diagnosed with Crohn's colitis

disease three years ago, when constipation changed to diarrhea. After >> << months on a diet I am now free of all symptoms, and I stopped my drugs

. My recent colonoscopy showed a completely normal colon. My doctor was impressed

. Arthritis in his hands were causing stiffness and pain. It became progressively worse every year, but completely disappeared. I can knit

again. Note: The report below from Sweden >> << are typical for the refusal of doctors. Do not expect your doctor

agree with this diet program. Most likely, your doctor will deny

much. No diet is required it will give credit for your healing. I

following your diet for months. I eat meat LOS mainly

coconut oil. I had a colonoscopy three days ago, and what do you think? No inflammation!

My colon looked so good, my doctor said that previous >> << inflammation could be from the outbreak. Yes, right! I know that was

bad flash, but I'm good now. Your page was the first place to open my eyes to the danger

is carbs. Keep up the good work. Note: The report below

say how this diet program works where other diets failed. Thank you for

, your information, it was very helpful. I took your advice and I

eliminated many of the violators of products that have been admitted to another type >> << RBC diet, I thought was right. This diet includes yogurt, melon,

goat cheese and surprisingly, most helpful of all carrots! I went

almost a year thinking that I could not tolerate butter and fatty meats, and

suddenly they cause me any problems. I had a flash for three weeks,

, and only from the principles of your diet (not including

supplements and minerals) got me to normal in less than a week

This is a miracle! .


In the prevention of immune system disorders

Immune system conditions can make life unhappy. If you still experience this condition, you can probably tell how it made you depressed. Thus, people are lucky because there are things they can do to avoid these diseases and develop a healthy immune system. It can also stay healthy and strong enough to resist any disease. Being healthy is more like the creation of wealth, so if there is a simple way to protect yourself from life-threatening diseases and disorders, then you should certainly pay close attention to those. In the prevention of immune system disorders and diseases, people should do what is necessary to be healthy. Simple and healthy lifestyle is one of the things you need to significantly develop and implement. Pay special attention to your diet and add lasix 6 mg more vegetables and fruits in it. As far as possible, to seek a doctor's prescription vitamin, as it can be very useful for you if you do not have good nutrition through different things. For example, if you are very busy, you just are various restaurants and diners, and it frees you from your diet. It should also be some exercises before or after a day. If possible, you need to combine cardio exercises and weight training and choose activities that you think you might enjoy. Thus, it would be easier for you to practice essential exercises that you can develop a healthy immune system. You also need to get enough rest and sleep. Even if you are very busy person, you should still make it a point that your body and health is not abused. Think about it, if your reason that they are busy, you need to get money for your family, you think you can still do the same once you are sick? Of course not, so if you want to succeed in everything you decide to do, it is important for you to take care of their welfare. Most important, you should get rid of in the development of a healthy immune system to stop vices especially smoking. Well, it does not necessarily mean you should throw it away. You can do this slowly, for example, you take five sticks of cigarettes and three bottles of beer every night, you can make it two for cigarettes and a bottle of beer, until you can afford to stop it. .

Generally accepted definition of emphysema

disorder immune system

For a patient with a tumor growing emphysema, >> << matters related to LVRS simplified. Length and extent of the benefits of LVRS

a little attention. Serious concern is

, that lung cancer can be removed surgically without postoperative >> << mechanical ventilation and mortality. The secondary factor is the potential long-term

postoperative respiratory complications. These risks

can be evaluated by the anatomical location of lung cancer

, and basic physiology lasix 150 mg of emphysema. Although many patients with emphysema is diffuse involvement

all of the lung, most patients will show

differential destruction of the apical lung. Both gas and storage

hypoperfusion light peaks characterize the apical dominance >> << this type of emphysema. Resection >> << dysfunctional apical lung tissue relatively well tolerated, as the apical parts >> << contribute little or nothing of gas exchange. In selected >> << patients, reducing the total volume of lung resection is the top

some useful effects. First, the decline in lung tissue

allows distended chest wall and diaphragm to return to more normal anatomical position

. Advancement of the chest wall and diaphragm

can lead to significant improvements in mechanical ventilation.

Second, the less light more efficiently cables

small airways, leading to an increase in expiratory air. Thus, the patient

with apical emphysema and lung cancer in the upper lobe is

potential candidates for surgical resection (

). In addition to the anatomical location of tumors, an important factor >> << are the main cause of airway obstruction. The vast majority of >> << emphysema in patients with airway obstruction, which

reflects their relatively slow exhalation (

such as low

FEV). Generally accepted definition of emphysema >> << suggest that expiratory flow limitation caused by the collapse

floppy airway. Advanced, floppy airways are

mechanism limiting the flow in most patients. There is evidence

however, that some patients have a different mechanism

expiratory flow limitation. These patients appear to be >> << have a high resistance to airway inflammation or scarring secondary. Despite the two different mechanisms airway obstruction in patients with emphysema >> << to distinguish expiratory spirometry.

Practical clinical problem is that patients with dilated and floppy >> << airways have the capacity to respond to LVRS. Unlike patients with

fixed small airways appear or benefit and may worsen for

decline in lung. To distinguish between these two groups

patients, Ingenito and colleagues at Brigham


WomenBЂ ™ s Hospital study airway obstruction during inspiration and

and duration. Patients with scarred small airways will

expected to have high stability both during inhalation and

term. Patients with floppy airways would be expected to

airway obstruction limited duration. Early clinical results

supports these predictions. .

Emphysema, the fourth leading cause of death ...

When you breathe, air goes into the lungs through the airways called bronchi. Bronchi divide into smaller airways called bronchioles, which end in clusters of tiny air sacs called alveoli. Emphysema, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States affects the walls of millions of tiny air sacs in the lungs to become inflamed and free elasticity lasix 16 mg, leading to the collapse of the bronchioles. As a result, the air is caught in a trap in the air bag, which become overloaded and can break, greatly affect a person's ability to breathe. The main cause of emphysema is cigarette smoking. Other risk factors include air pollution, occupational dust and of chemical substances, frequent lower respiratory infections and passive smoking. In rare cases, a genetic disorder alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency causes emphysema. .

Stages of dying from emphysema: how to know ...

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