Friday, February 24, 2012

My headache was gone!

Note: ex-vegetarian below

switched to high-fat, red meat diet with awesome health improvements.

Vegetarian diet caused degenerative disc disease and

intestinal diseases. Dear Mr. Rieske,

How can I repay you? Your knowledge, understanding, honesty and courage >> << contained in articles greatly improved the quality of my life

! I am now 37 years. At the age of 25 to 36

I took mostly vegetarian lifestyle. Over the years I developed an easy case >> << degenerative disc disease, constant headaches and severe case

candida (and possibly arising intestine). I am beginning to understand that something >> << certainly not. General recommendations for food

finally managed me in the wrong direction. I am pure and natural nutrition for

months on red meat, fish, poultry, small amounts of fruits and berries

(I can not help it, I love berries). My headache was gone! I went from 172 pounds (5'8 tall) to 158 kg! I have no >> << constipation or diarrhea (which at one time was constant)! I think it is clear that my mood

better and I feel great! You made a huge impact on my life and I am grateful. I

discussed the information and websites with each person in your social circle >> << as anything I can do to help others as you helped me. Thanks again and God bless, >> << Stewart I thought

to get in a progress report! I am doing very well. So far, so good

. I to 2 BM per day, and bleeding disappeared. I eat

very balanced diet (since the diet below) and

seems that I can tolerate a lot of red meat now. Thank you for

all your advice and I hope that all is well with you. Note: The report above says

ulcerative colitis healing that took place just a few weeks

this diet program. I lasix side effects

colitis problems with 2-years. Chronic constipation was >> << problem for 30 years as an adult. I was diagnosed with Crohn's colitis

disease three years ago, when constipation changed to diarrhea. After >> << months on a diet I am now free of all symptoms, and I stopped my drugs

. My recent colonoscopy showed a completely normal colon. My doctor was impressed

. Arthritis in his hands were causing stiffness and pain. It became progressively worse every year, but completely disappeared. I can knit

again. Note: The report below from Sweden >> << are typical for the refusal of doctors. Do not expect your doctor

agree with this diet program. Most likely, your doctor will deny

much. No diet is required it will give credit for your healing. I

following your diet for months. I eat meat LOS mainly

coconut oil. I had a colonoscopy three days ago, and what do you think? No inflammation!

My colon looked so good, my doctor said that previous >> << inflammation could be from the outbreak. Yes, right! I know that was

bad flash, but I'm good now. Your page was the first place to open my eyes to the danger

is carbs. Keep up the good work. Note: The report below

say how this diet program works where other diets failed. Thank you for

, your information, it was very helpful. I took your advice and I

eliminated many of the violators of products that have been admitted to another type >> << RBC diet, I thought was right. This diet includes yogurt, melon,

goat cheese and surprisingly, most helpful of all carrots! I went

almost a year thinking that I could not tolerate butter and fatty meats, and

suddenly they cause me any problems. I had a flash for three weeks,

, and only from the principles of your diet (not including

supplements and minerals) got me to normal in less than a week

This is a miracle! .


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